well not quite sure how you managed to upload, maybe HH forgot to close or to prevent the pics being uploaded to the monochrome comp, still, the comp always ends near the very end of the month then every member (wether you have entered or not) has a chance to vote which lasts for one week, then the winner is obviuosly clearly displayed on the voting poll, then as we hold our meetings once a month, (first tuesday of the month, tonight in fact) the new name of the comp for the following month (in this case february) is normally decided at our meeting then on wednesday ALL the mystery game, and such like as the leaderboard/hall of fame is added up and re done with the new amount of points, and the new comp is renamed/or rather a new one is added and we go again, and the home page is updated with the winners name and the pic that won the comp, hope this clears any confusion /misunderstanding up xx